There were 12 active legal licenses in ZIP Code 99603 in July.
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this time period.
Alaska has the 19th highest average salary for a lawyer in the United States, earning $96,448 annually on average. Alaska's highest-paying cities for lawyers are Wasilla, College, and Ketchikan, according to ZipRecruiter.
Alaska has no law schools, yet it maintains a higher-than-average ratio of lawyers compared to the relatively low overall population. In Alaska, there are now 2,486 attorneys actively practicing law and a total of 4,160 lawyers licensed to practice in the state.
Lawyers in ZIP Code 99603 with active legal licenses in July
Lawyer Name | Name of Firm | Date of License Granted |
Andrew Haas H. | Haas & Spigelmyer | 1986-11-01 |
Bride Seifert | Homer Superior Court | 2011-10-14 |
Elisabeth Mering | Cook Inletkeeper | 2021-08-11 |
Gwen Neal M. | Gwen M. Neal Attorney at Law LLC | 2008-05-22 |
Jurgen Jensen | Law Office Of Jurgen Jensen | 2010-11-16 |
Keri-Ann Baker Calderwood | Homer Electric Association, Inc. | 2018-12-13 |
Lindsay Wolter | Law Offices Of Lindsay A. Wolter, LLC | 2006-05-01 |
Michael Hough | C Michael Hough Inc | 1974-05-01 |
Paul Bratton H. | Law Office Of Paul H. Bratton | 2007-11-09 |
Terri Spigelmyer K. | Haas & Spigelmyer, Inc. | 1987-06-01 |
Tracey Knutson L. | Knutson & Associates | 1991-06-01 |
Tracey Tillion A. | 1989-06-01 |